March 24, 2019

The Life and Death of Mr. Badman by John Bunyan - Illustrated by Louis Rhead and George W. Rhead

John Bunyan (1628-1688) was an English Protestant preacher and writer. With forty-two published works, he is most remembered for writing The Pilgrim's Progress in 1678. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman was published two year later in 1680; both of these works were written while he was in prison, serving his twelve year sentence for religious crimes.

The twelve sins of Mr. Badman are presented in a dialogue between Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Attentive. Modern concepts have reduced and generalized these sins to the amount of seven. Here are the original twelve cardinal vices illustrated by brothers, George Woolliscroft Rhead (1854-1920) and Louis Rhead (1857–1926). These are portraits of Mr. Badman's journey to hell. The art herein is indistinguishable between the two nonetheless, Louis Rhead is more renown.

Drawings by Louis Rhead
Louis Rhead RedCapeTalesLouis Rhead RedCapeTalesLouis Rhead RedCapeTalesLouis Rhead RedCapeTalesLouis Rhead RedCapeTalesLouis Rhead RedCapeTales

Drawings by George Woolliscroft Rhead
George Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTalesGeorge Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTalesGeorge Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTalesGeorge Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTalesGeorge Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTalesGeorge Woolliscroft Rhead RedCapeTales

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